Going Home
for clarinet in A and guitar (1998)
duration: 4’
GRT • 050
score available from
Australian Music Centre
“Stuart Greenbaum’s Going Home, performed by David Griffiths (clarinet) and Ken Murray (guitar), puts together an unlikely combination of instruments that makes you question why we can’t have more of this? A gentle and wistful number that showcases Griffiths’ impressively clean high register along with fun bends and playful passages. The full album release comes later this month and I’m keen for more.”
Cameron Lam, Limelight, August 2022
“Cloud Eight and Going Home Griffiths and Murray capture the music of a bygone time perfectly.”
Alan Holley, Classikon, September 2022
“Going Home also features a vocal style with dynamic interplay between instruments. It reflects influences of jazz and contemporary styles and includes some expressive vibrato.”
Justin Stanley, International Clarinet Association – The Clarinet, June 2023